PS5 gamers ought to mark their calendars for April 30th.

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Attention PS5 gamers: mark your calendars for April 30th because there’s some exciting news brewing around one of the console’s standout titles.

Housemarque, the brains behind the critically acclaimed Returnal, has dropped a tantalizing hint about an upcoming announcement related to the game. Returnal, a riveting roguelike third-person shooter, has been a jewel in the PS5’s crown since its release in 2021. While it’s no longer a PS5 exclusive, it still holds its ground as one of the platform’s must-play experiences.

The buzz began when Housemarque teased an announcement on Twitter, accompanied by an enigmatic image featuring the shattered reflection of Returnal’s protagonist, Selene, with the word “TOMORROW” in bold yellow letters. Naturally, speculation is rife among fans about what this announcement could entail.

Some optimistic souls are daring to dream of a sequel to Returnal, but with rumors swirling about a PlayStation showcase in May, it seems improbable that such a significant reveal would drop just ahead of a major event. Others are speculating about new DLC or updates, though it’s been a while since the last substantial content drop, and interest may have waned for many players.

However, there’s a glimmer of hope for Returnal aficionados. April 30th marks the game’s three-year anniversary, and it’s possible that Housemarque is gearing up to celebrate with something special. Whether it’s a new challenge, additional content, or a surprise twist, PS5 gamers have every reason to keep a keen eye on the horizon.

Returnal has carved out a special place in the hearts of players, and whatever Housemarque has in store, it’s sure to pique the interest of fans old and new alike. So, mark your calendars and prepare for a Returnal-shaped surprise on April 30th.